Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cyber Bullying

Today I was reading a report on cyber bullying. Bullying is common in schools and other public places. Now it started happening through the internet and cellphones too. If our students are going to be put on computers within the next couple years in school, we as teachers need to monitor what happens on the internet. We want everyone to be involved and like getting on the computer to do homework or an activity. I can definitely see fifth grade girls gossiping about each other and such while in the classroom. This would not be okay! I've read many statistics and online bullying is definitely on top of the list. Something has to be done about this!

Website -Hinduja, S. and Patchin, J. W. “Cyberbullying research.” Cyberbullying Research Center (  (Accessed [10/28/2010]).

Picture used with permission from iCLIPART.

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